Our products

High Tensile Roof Truss

Light Gauge Steel Wall Frame

Lightweight Concrete Wall

Benefit to you

Cost and Time Saving

Build efficiently with IBS Steel frames, minimizing construction costs and timelines. Streamlined processes and precision engineering lead to significant savings, making your project more economical and timely.

Flexible Design and Build

Embrace creativity with IBS Steel frames, offering unmatched flexibility in architectural design. Tailor your construction to unique specifications, ensuring a personalized and adaptable approach that aligns seamlessly with your vision.

Strong and Lightweight

Experience the perfect blend of strength and lightness with IBS Steel frames. This advanced construction material provides robust structural integrity while remaining lightweight, ensuring durability without compromising on construction efficiency.

Environmentally Friendly

Choose sustainability with IBS Steel frames, contributing to a greener future. Reduce environmental impact through efficient resource use, recycling capabilities, and eco-friendly manufacturing processes, making it an eco-conscious choice for responsible construction.

Our Recent Projects

Bukit Mahkota
Sabak Bernam
KAFA Integrasi
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Amidis Malek

Subject Matter Expert

Reach out to us for consultation!